
Does Hyaluronic Acid Increase Estrogen? A Powerful Combination for Your Health and Beauty

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Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found in your body. It helps keep your skin, eyes, joints, and other tissues moist and healthy.

Hyaluronic acid is also used in some products, such as creams, gels, and injections, to improve the appearance and function of your skin and other parts of your body.

Estrogen is another substance that is naturally found in your body. It is a hormone, which means it is a chemical that helps control how different parts of your body work.

Estrogen is mainly produced by your ovaries, which are the organs that store and release your eggs. Estrogen is important for many things, such as your growth, development, mood, and reproduction.

You may wonder if hyaluronic acid and estrogen are related in some way. Does hyaluronic acid increase estrogen? Does estrogen affect hyaluronic acid? How do they work together in your body?

In this blog post, I will try to answer these questions in a simple and clear way. I will also tell you about some of the benefits and risks of using hyaluronic acid and estrogen products.

Does Hyaluronic Acid Increase Estrogen?

The answer to the main question is: No, hyaluronic acid does not increase estrogen. Hyaluronic acid and estrogen are two different substances that have different functions and effects in your body.

Hyaluronic acid does not affect your estrogen levels, and estrogen does not affect your hyaluronic acid levels.

However, they can work together to improve your skin, vagina, and joints, as I will explain in the next sections.

How Hyaluronic Acid and Estrogen Work Together in Your Body

Hyaluronic acid and estrogen are both involved in keeping your skin and other tissues healthy and youthful. They work together in different ways, depending on where they are in your body.

#1 In your skin

Hyaluronic acid and estrogen help maintain the moisture, elasticity, and thickness of your skin.

Moisture means how much water your skin can hold. Elasticity means how well your skin can stretch and bounce back. Thickness means how many layers of cells your skin has.

Hyaluronic acid helps your skin hold more water, which makes it more moist and plump. Estrogen helps your skin produce more collagen and elastin, which are proteins that make your skin more elastic and firm. Together, hyaluronic acid and estrogen can make your skin look smoother, softer, and younger.

#2 In your vagina

Hyaluronic acid and estrogen help keep your vaginal tissue moist, elastic, and healthy. Your vagina is the tube that connects your uterus (where your baby grows) to the outside of your body. Your vaginal tissue is the lining of your vagina that protects it from infections and injuries.

Hyaluronic acid helps your vaginal tissue hold more water, which makes it more moist and comfortable. Estrogen helps your vaginal tissue produce more glycogen, which is a sugar that feeds the good bacteria in your vagina.

Together, hyaluronic acid and estrogen can prevent your vaginal tissue from becoming dry, thin, and fragile, which can cause problems such as pain, itching, burning, and infections.

#3 In your joints

Hyaluronic acid and estrogen help keep your joint fluid thick and lubricated. Your joints are the places where your bones meet and move, such as your knees, elbows, and hips. Your joint fluid is the liquid that fills the space between your bones and cushions them from friction and shock.

Hyaluronic acid helps your joint fluid stay thick and sticky, which makes it more effective at protecting your bones.

Estrogen helps your joint fluid stay lubricated, which makes it more slippery and smooth.

Together, hyaluronic acid and estrogen can reduce the wear and tear of your joints and prevent problems such as pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

How Hyaluronic Acid and Estrogen Products Can Help You

As you get older, your body produces less hyaluronic acid and estrogen. This can cause your skin, vagina, and joints to become drier, less elastic, and more prone to problems.

Some people may also have lower levels of hyaluronic acid and estrogen due to other factors, such as genetics, medications, diseases, or treatments.

To improve your hyaluronic acid and estrogen levels, you may use some products that contain these substances or stimulate your body to produce more of them. These products can be applied to your skin, inserted into your vagina, or injected into your joints.

They can help you with different issues, such as:

  • Improving the appearance and function of your skin, such as reducing wrinkles, sagging, dryness, and dullness.
  • Relieving the symptoms and complications of vaginal atrophy, such as dryness, irritation, pain, bleeding, and infections.
  • Reducing the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis, which is a condition where your joint cartilage wears down and causes your bones to rub against each other.

Examples of hyaluronic acid and estrogen products

Some examples of hyaluronic acid and estrogen products are:

  • Hyaluronic acid creams, gels, and serums that you can apply to your face and body to moisturize and plump your skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections, such as Restylane®, Juvederm®, and Belotero®, that you can get from a doctor or a nurse to fill and smooth your wrinkles and folds.
  • Hyaluronic acid vaginal moisturizers, such as Good Clean Love BioNourish® Ultra Moisturizing Vaginal Gel with Hyaluronic Acid, that you can insert into your vagina with a disposable applicator to hydrate and nourish your vaginal tissue.
  • Hyaluronic acid joint injections, such as Synvisc®, Euflexxa®, and Hyalgan®, that you can get from a doctor or a nurse to cushion and lubricate your joints.
  • Estrogen creams, tablets, and rings that you can insert into your vagina with a disposable applicator or a finger to restore and maintain your vaginal health.
  • Estrogen patches, pills, and injections that you can use to replace the estrogen that your ovaries no longer make. This is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT).

How Hyaluronic Acid and Estrogen Products Can Harm You

While hyaluronic acid and estrogen products can have many benefits, they can also have some risks and side effects. These depend on the type, dose, and duration of the product, as well as your personal health history and condition.

Some of the possible risks and side effects are:

  • Allergic reactions, such as redness, swelling, itching, and rash, to the ingredients or the applicator of the product.
  • Infections, such as bacterial, fungal, or viral infections, in the area where the product is applied or injected.
  • Bleeding, bruising, or scarring, in the area where the product is injected.
  • Lumps, bumps, or nodules, in the area where the product is injected. These may be temporary or permanent, and may need to be removed by surgery.
  • Migration, displacement, or leakage, of the product from the area where it is injected to other parts of your body. This may cause problems such as inflammation, pain, or damage to your tissues or organs.
  • Hormonal imbalance, such as changes in your menstrual cycle, mood, weight, and libido, due to the use of estrogen products.
  • Increased risk of certain diseases, such as breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, blood clots, stroke, and heart disease, due to the use of estrogen products.

Before you use any hyaluronic acid or estrogen product, you should talk to your doctor or nurse about the benefits and risks of the product.


Hyaluronic acid and estrogen are both important substances for your skin, vagina, and joints.

They work together to keep your tissues moist, elastic, and healthy. As you get older, your hyaluronic acid and estrogen levels may decrease, which can cause your tissues to become drier, less elastic, and more prone to problems.

You may use some products that contain hyaluronic acid or estrogen, or stimulate your body to produce more of them, to improve your hyaluronic acid and estrogen levels.

However, these products can also have some risks and side effects.

You should talk to your doctor or nurse before you use any hyaluronic acid or estrogen product, and follow their instructions and advice.

The Bottom Line

I hope this blog post was helpful and informative for you and helped you to learn whether hyaluronic acid increases estrogen.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Thank you for reading! 😊

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